A Special Announcement

Sorry I’ve been so lax on the blogging front, but things have been hectic ’round these parts. And, alas, they will probably remain so for some weeks to come. On that note, I’d like to introduce the latest member of the Belcher girl gang…


Crisis on Infinite Me – AVERTED!

After two and a half months of standing by on Condition Red, I received word last Friday that my company would be keeping me on and I won’t be unemployed after all. My letter of separation was signed and I had until the 4th to clean out my office, but at the 11th hour I was given…get this…a promotion(!), with the added bonus that I’ll now be working entirely from home.

To say I’m relieved would be an understatement of almost ludicrous proportions.

I am grateful beyond words that I will be able to continue to work, particularly for a company that’s helped put food on the table and a roof over my family’s heads for the past four and a half years. It’s been a rewarding job, and I was devastated I was leaving it.

The only downside to this news is that I’ll now have no excuse not to update this damn blog on a more regular basis. You lucky bastards.

To anyone and everyone who sent me prayers, good vibes, and well wishes – thank you.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to put on my toughest-looking beret and do a little struttin’…

LiT – 05/3/10

Things have been slow ’round these parts, I know. I’ve been writing quite a bit for a comic that should see the light of day later in the year, and I’ve actually been dissecting and taking lots of notes on various comics, novels, movies, and even music to help facilitate that. It’s been a fun process but its just sapped any time I have for blogging. Alot of what I’ve been picking at can be seen over at my Twitter page. Still I realized Twitter may not be the best place to get some of that stuff out, so I give you…

Positronic Halloween

This is nothing more than a place for me to jot down quick notes of all the stuff I’ve been reading. This isn’t a review site or meant to be taken as a place to get my deep thoughts on things. You’ll get my impressions on the movies, comics, etc. I’m ingesting – the stuff I found interesting and don’t want to forget. Only reason I’m making it public at all is that I know I love seeing people do this sort of thing myself, and I figure I can’t be alone. Plus, it takes little time to throw out a TV Guide style write-up on something as opposed to hunkering down to do a thoughtful piece for this dive.

LiT – 01/08/10

Man, have I been remiss in posting or what? I blame Sony. The family scored a PS3 over Christmas, so I’ve been indulging my nerdliness. Killzone 2, InFamous, Uncharted, Batman Lego…and the Blu-Rays…oh, the precious Blu-Rays…

Reason No. 1,235 I Haven't Posted: Shooting Helghast, Repeatedly

I had last week off, and this week I’ve been catching up at work. So, I do have excuses, as lame as they may be.

Oh, and I saw Avatar. Which was about what I expected, but sadly little more. There were some interesting things about the experience, however. With the announcement this week of Sony entering the 3D television arena next Spring, and the plethora of other 3D technology news (one digital broadcast service intends to deliver three entire channels next year devoted to 3D), I can’t help but feel that Avatar represents a watershed moment when audiences not only accept 3D as a viable experience, but see some value in it as a preferred way to experience certain stories. I myself had a damn hard time getting past the Moving Viewmaster effect in Avatar for the first thirty mintues or so, and actually found myself wishing I had just seen it in 2D instead; there were some details I felt I was missing, particularly once things on Pandora started popping. But once I realized that nothing really terribly interesting was going on in the background (and often in the foreground), I began to settle in and let the lightshow do its work. It’s been said by a lot of folks that the only way to see Avatar is in 3D, and they’re right. It’s a great commercial for what 3D can do (heck, I was even impressed by the 3D trailer for Alice in Wonderland – but man does Piranha 3D look awful!).

A couple of days ago, George Lucas was on NPR touting 3D tech, telling the now legendary story of how he, Cameron, and Zemeckis showed a congealed group of theater owners a 3D sizzle real of the original Star Wars in the hopes of convincing them to upgrade their chains to digital projectors. I was skeptical about the push for 3D then, but after having seen Avatar, I think I may have turned a corner. I think 3D is an interesting way to experience a movie, and some films, like Lord of the Rings or even older classics like The Wizard of Oz might be fun to see in 3D. More than anything, Avatar sells the technology as more than a gimmick. It sells it as a new way to experience film.

Having said that, I don’t think I’m ready for a 3D future. It’s coming, there’s no doubt. I think the box office take for Avatar shows that people are warming to it. Even Roger Ebert, who usually hates 3D, loved it’s application in Cameron’s film. Still, if we’re all moving to 3D in ten years (and some estimates put it even earlier), I think I’m going to be a last-minute adherent. As much as I dug the effect, and the sensation, of sitting in a theater with a group of people experiencing a film of this sort, I don’t relish the idea of having to sit on my couch with my wife and put on our glasses to watch The Office. It somehow feels like it would further complicate a process that is, at heart, elegant and simple: sit on your ass and get told a story. I don’t think I want to share an office with Dwight Schrute or feel the flames of Hell’s Kitchen. I sure as hell don’t Think I Can Dance.

Update 2

Sorry for the web silence lately. Usual excuses – day job, family, laziness, comics, movies, tv…

Will have a new series of illos up soon, and some paintings. Also have some cool artists whose work I’d like to spotlight coming shortly.



Been out of town on business, so I apologize for the lack of content. Basically spent four days in a Tucson hotel room watching HBO and eating junk food. Now that I’m back in Colorado Springs, I’m up to my neck in work emails and up to my ankles in snow.

Will be back shortly with some art and other stuff.